Saltwater Grand Slams
Grand Slams challenge anglers to catch three specified fish species in a 24-hour period. The FWC updated the program in 2014 by creating nine Grand Slams including a Small Fry Slam for children age 15 and under. FWC encourages responsible angling. Remember proper catch-and-release techniques when fishing. Anglers do not have to harvest their fish to be eligible, and are encouraged to release catches alive.

- Pinfish (Pinfish, Spottail pinfish)
- Catfish (Hardhead catfish, Gafftopsail catfish)
- Grunt (such as Tomtate, White grunt, Pigfish, White margate, Blue-striped grunt, Sailors choice, French grunt, Porkfish)

- Cobia
- King mackerel
- Tripletail

- Dolphinfish
- Sailfish
- Wahoo

- Black sea bass
- Gag
- Triggerfish (such as Gray triggerfish, Ocean triggerfish, Queen triggerfish)

- Sheepshead
- Florida pompano
- Whiting (such as Northern kingfish, Southern kingfish, Gulf kingfish)

- Gray (mangrove) snapper
- Spanish mackerel
- Snook (such as Common snook, Fat snook, Tarpon snook, Swordspine snook)

- Bonefish
- Permit
- Tarpon

- Red drum
- Spotted seatrout
- Flounder (such as Gulf flounder, Southern flounder)

- Any three fish in the same scientific family (i.e. black grouper, red grouper, gag)
Successful anglers receive a certificate signed by the Director of FWC Marine Fisheries Management as well as a colorful t-shirt in recognition of their achievement. Recipients will also be listed in the Saltwater Recreational Fishing Regulations booklet and on the Club Members page. Anglers who are awarded at least three different Grand Slams will be recognized for Grand Slam Club Recognition Tiers for the opportunity to receive additional prizes.
- Tier 1: 3 different Grand Slams
- Tier 2: 6 different Grand Slams
- Tier 3 (Master Angler): complete all eligible Grand Slams

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) reserves the right to deny any application to the Catch a Florida Memory - Saltwater Angler Recognition Programs and can change these rules at any time without notice. State laws prohibit false claims or fraud when claiming prizes.
To participate in Florida's Saltwater Angler Recognition Programs, all fish must be caught by the angler being recognized in accordance with the Florida saltwater recreational fishing regulations at the time of the catch. This includes, but is not limited to, the angler being properly licensed or using an approved exemption, as well as using legal gear and fishing in saltwater where the angler has legal access.
The FWC receives financial assistance from the Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The DOI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. If you believe you have been discriminated against in any program, activity or facility or need more information, contact: FWC, Office of Human Resources, 620 S Meridian St., Tallahassee, FL 32399, 850-488-6411, or: Office of Diversity, Inclusion & Civil Rights, Dept. of the Interior, 1849 C St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20240.
Contact or 850-487-0554 for questions regarding these programs.
- All submitted fish must have been caught by the angler applying for recognition.
- After a catch has been submitted by an angler and approved by staff it cannot be used to qualify a different angler for recognition.
- Fish can be either caught and released or legally harvested for these programs.
- Any photos containing nudity, violence, explicit language or sexually explicit content will be disqualified.
- Participants may not submit photos which have been digitally modified for any reason (other than protection of privacy) or photos that have been falsified in any way.
- All harvest of fish must comply with current regulations. Florida Saltwater Recreational Fishing Regulations may be found online or by calling 850-487-0554
- An undersized or out-of-season fish can qualify, as long as they are promptly and safely released and not harvested (as evidenced by submitted photos).
- Any past catches that meet the requirements are eligible, as long as the required photos and documentation are provided (does not apply to records program).
- Submitted photos must include the angler applying for recognition and show fish in whole condition with the exception of the removal of gills and guts.
- FWC reserves the right to deny any application to the Saltwater Angler Recognition Programs and can change these rules at any time without notice.
- State laws prohibit false claims or fraud when claiming prizes. Prizes are taxable and will be reported to the IRS as appropriate (please check with your tax advisor if you have any questions).
- Recognition will only be given to individual anglers, NOT groups. Do not apply for group recognition.
- Fish must be caught in Florida state waters, in U.S. federal waters extending directly outward of Florida state line boundaries, or landed in Florida.
- Anglers may receive up to 10 prize packages per calendar year for the same recognition, such as 10 of a particular Grand Slam or 10 of a particular Reel Big Fish species. After this threshold, anglers will receive certificates and website level recognition, but will not receive a prize package for those recognitions. Once a new calendar year begins, the count to reach the 10 recognition threshold starts over again.
- Current FWC employees, including OPS, are eligible for certificate and website recognition only (including State Records) and are not eligible to receive any additional awards or prizes including raffles.
- Your submissions to this program, including photos and other data provided to the Florida Saltwater Angler Recognition Program, constitute a release for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to use them without compensation or further notice for research, information and other public purposes, such as being posted on the FWC website or being used in FWC publications and promotional materials. When photographs are required, the proper fish handling techniques and photo rules below apply.
- Failure to abide by these rules can lead to disqualification of submissions and permanent removal from the Catch a Florida Memory Program. Depending upon the severity of the infraction, the FWC may choose to pursue legal action.
Proper Fish Handling Techniques for Photos:
- Anglers should handle their catch with wet hands only (do not use a towel), be careful not to poke fingers into eyes or gills and fully support the body weight of the fish by cradling it horizontally.
- If not held, fish should be photographed in a rubber-coated, knotless landing net rather than lying on a dock, cooler or boat deck.
- Measure length on a wet, cool surface. Do not place fish on hot, dry boat surfaces.
- Large fish that will not be harvested should not be removed from the water or boated, as this can injure the fish.
- Anglers' faces must be included in photographs and fish must be in an unobstructed position (side views are best) so that FWC staff can verify the species.
- For more catch-and-release techniques, see the following: Catch and Release Brochure, Fish Handling and Gear, or
- It is preferred that anglers on vessels are photographed wearing personal floatation devices.
A Grand Slam is defined as the catch or catching and releasing of three specific saltwater fish species in a 24-hour period. The FWC updated the program in 2014 by creating nine Grand Slams, including a Small Fry Slam for children age 15 and under.
Saltwater Grand Slam Club Categories
- Inshore Grand Slam: red drum, spotted seatrout, flounder
- Family Grand Slam: Any three fish in the same family (i.e. red snapper, mutton snapper, lane snapper)
- Blue Water Grand Slam: dolphinfish, sailfish, wahoo
- Florida Grand Slam: permit, tarpon, bonefish
- Shoreline Grand Slam: sheepshead, kingfish (whiting), Florida pompano
- Reefs & Rubble Grand Slam: black sea bass, gag, gray triggerfish
- Nearshore Grand Slam: cobia, tripletail, king mackerel
- Bay & Estuary Grand Slam: gray (mangrove) snapper, snook, Spanish mackerel
- Small Fry Slam (15 and under): pinfish, grunt (any), catfish (any)
Submission Requirements for Grand Slams
- All Grand Slam catches, past and present, are eligible if they can be documented and have been caught in a 24-hour period in accordance with FWC rules.
- To participate, an angler must abide by the general FWC Saltwater Angler Recognition Program rules (see “General Angling Rules” above).
- Anglers do not have to harvest their fish to be eligible and are encouraged to release their catches alive.
- All harvest of fish must comply with current regulations. Florida Saltwater Recreational Fishing Regulations may be found online at or by calling 850-487-0554.
- Photographs of the angler with each fish are required and may be used in various FWC publications as well as on Fish photographed should be supported horizontally using wet hands with no fingers in the fish’s gills. If not held, fish should be photographed in a rubber-coated, knotless landing net rather than lying on a dock, cooler or boat deck. Large fish should not be removed from the water or boated, as this can injure the fish.
- Submissions that are incomplete or fail to provide full documentation of species required will result in disqualification.
Saltwater Grand Slam Recognition Tiers
- Tier 1: 3 different Grand Slams
- Tier 2: 6 different Grand Slams
- Tier 3: Grand Slam Master Angler – all 8 adult Grand Slams (anglers who catch the youth slam in addition to all 8 adult slams are eligible for bonus prizes)
Saltwater Grand Slam Club Prizes
- Each time an angler submits a valid Saltwater Grand Slam, they will receive a t-shirt, certificate of accomplishment, various FWC saltwater publications and will become a member of the corresponding Grand Slam Club. Anglers who are awarded at least three different Grand Slams will be recognized for Grand Slam Club Recognition Tiers for the opportunity to receive additional prizes. Successful participants will also receive one raffle entry for each verified submission to the program.
- To be eligible for prizes, anglers must comply with all rules for Saltwater Angler Recognition Programs and the Saltwater Grand Slam Program. Prizes typically arrive 4 to 8 weeks after approval (not submittal). All prizes are awarded pending availability. FWC reserves the right to deny any application for the Saltwater Grand Slam Program and to change recognition prizes at any time without notice.